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Short film up for an award

Braine Hownd’s short film (that I am in) “Beard” has been nominated for an award. The Award for comedy short films. This is a prestigious award and you can help us win it by using your online vote. Here is the link:
You can only vote if you download the app which you can only get on a iPhone or Android. Yes I know this is a pain but I’d really appreciate it if you did vote. We are presatlly in the lead but not by a lot so evey vote is really important.
If you can’t be bothered or don’t have the right phone you can still use this link to watch the film on any computer phone or tablet.
Beard has been doing quite well on the festival circuit and each success helps us get the funding to make more films – hopefully one day soon a feature film.
Festivals Beard has been in so far;
Wet Your pants Comedy Festival – Indianapolis USA
Novella Showcase – MIchigan USA
Comedy Cluj Film Festival – Cluj-Tapoca, Romania,
Petaluma Virtual Film Festival – California, USA
Night Piece Film Festival – Edinburgh, Scotland
Crouch End Festival – London, UK
Cofilmic Comedy Contest – UK


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